Interior Shutters(including Kitchen Refacing)
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Interior Shutters
Exterior Shutters
Alternate Window Treatments

Batten Down The Window Shutters!

June 12, 2018

Whereas window shutters have not normally been confused as a purely aesthetic application to a window - after all they serve to regulate light, wind and noise – a far lesser understood utility of window shutters is their ability to protect window panes and, invariably, your home.


Many regions receive inclement weather for two or three months in a year. Heavy snowfall, high winds, and driving rain are relatively rarer occurrences, but can leave a lasting impression. Falling trees and branches, flying debris striking windows and heavy precipitation seeping through windows are all harsh realities. However, the role of window shutters in minimizing loss and staving off damage altogether is simply not understood. In this piece we look at the niche category of storm shutters.


Window shutters protect window panes from damage in times of inclement weather and hurricanes, helping keep property and occupants safe. 


Rolling shutters 


Rolling window shutters are popular in areas facing inclement weather for the majority of the year. Hurricane prone areas mandate strong rolling shutters to protect occupants from flying debris and property damage. Important too, as broken glass can easily turn into shrapnel. These are built from a variety of materials, including, but not limited to aluminium and foam-filled shutters.


Bahama shutters 


Bahama window shutters stow not laterally, but vertically. Instead of folding to the left and right of the window, these window shutters retract upwards. Once opened, they turn into an awning to provide shade and shelter. Though these shutters can be extremely strong, adequate installation is essential for their durability and protection in a storm.


Colonial shutters 


These are the traditional ‘door type’ window shutters. Affixed to the outside of the house, they frame the door or window to the left or the right when open and provide full coverage when closed. Again, robust as they are, sturdy installation is key to these shutters performing flawlessly over a long time.


Wooden shutter 


The humble, simple wooden shutter may not appear at first glance fit for this list, however, wood is a strong material and an appropriately designed shutter can offer a great deal of protection to the window. With a lesser angle for louvres, sturdy outdoor shutters can suffice for fairly severe conditions, so long as they are mounted correctly and sturdily.