Interior Shutters(including Kitchen Refacing)
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Interior Shutters
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Alternate Window Treatments

Custom Shutters in Toronto for Small Windows

May 17, 2021

In the case of dressing a small window with custom indoor shutters, a selection of design choices can be made to maximize visibility through the shutters, as well as to establish an elegant design that matches the window’s size. Based on personal preferences, the creation of custom shutters in Toronto leads to a good choice for many types of small windows, such as those in a bathroom or basement, and ones that act as sidelights.


A specialty of The Original California Shutters is custom shutters in Toronto, and our team is focused on providing service to our clients that will meet their needs.


When it comes to shutter style for small windows, full-height shutters are recommended. Café style for instance covers the lower half of a window only, thus, it might not be well-suited for one small in size. In addition, tier-on-tier style separates the upper and lower tiers, which can present excessive solid material between the two panels, blocking a large portion of the window’s view.


Slat Size


Although larger slats may be found throughout the rest of a living space, small windows can be overpowered by wide slats. It is important to note that the solid top and bottom rails on a shutter panel are adjusted depending on the number of slats the height of the window can accommodate. This means that solid top/bottom rails in a reduced size are associated with smaller slats. Better movability is also possible when smaller slats are opted for instead of larger versions.


The professional installation of interior and exterior options, as well as alternate window treatments, is available at The Original California Shutters. Browse our website and contact us today for more details about our custom shutters in Toronto, and how we can tailor them to your requirements for small windows and beyond.