Interior Shutters(including Kitchen Refacing)
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Exterior Shutters
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Interior Shutters
Exterior Shutters
Alternate Window Treatments

Exterior shutters: Boosting your housing appeal

March 02, 2020

If you're planning to get new window shutters, consider implementing exterior shutters.


Homes with multiple small windows can benefit a great deal from the added aesthetic charm that accompanies exterior shutters.


While interior shutters certainly have their place in an abode, you will miss out on these four inexpensive ways that adding exterior window shutters can help propel your property's curb appeal.


That timeless look

You've envisioned how they look like in old books; homes with exterior shutters have the same classic appeal that you’ve imagined since you were a child - there really is no substitute for those seeking a traditional look for their home. Through installation of these shutters, you’ll combine the modern protective advantages of glass windows with the benefits of controlling interior light flow.


A range of choices tailored for any style

When you use exterior shutters, manufacturers like The Original California Shutters can give you a great selection of Louvred or French-style shutters, raised and flat panel variants, and board and batten shutters. They come in different colours to combine efficiently with the roof, siding, and door's colours too!


Decades of use

If you decide to use The Original California Shutters' exterior shutters, you're guaranteed exceptional product performance. We use the highest manufacturing standards when it comes to exterior shutters. In doing so, they can resist extreme temperatures brought on by blazing hot summers and freezing winters and snow.


Property with that unforgettable charm

With exterior shutters, you can rest assured that you’ll be able to call your house a home. In fact, your young children are sure to use them as an example of an ideal home aesthetic during their class show and tell. Your home remains timeless in appearance yet uses the latest innovations that allow you to insulate your home, and remain beautiful for decades.


The finest in exterior shutters starts right here…

The Original California Shutters is a company that specializes in the manufacturing of custom-made and exceptionally-designed interior and exterior window shutters. If you'd like to have the perfect shutters for your home today, just contact us to know more about what we can do for you!