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What to Consider Before Getting Full-Height Shutters

September 25, 2019

Full-height window shutters are popular for many reasons, especially in terms of their aesthetic appeal and insulation capabilities. With that said, there needs to be careful consideration of all the elements at hand whenever choosing a style for window shutters.


While all window shutters look great on their own, they may not necessarily be the right fit for your home’s look or needs.


Here are some important factors to consider with full-height shutters:


1. Do you already have full-length windows?


With window shutters covering the full length of your wall, you will be able to have maximum light blockage as well as enhanced insulation. However, if you do not have full-length windows, there will additional steps before you can install your full-length window shutters. For many, while the aesthetic appeal of full-length shutters is great, the trouble of changing out smaller windows for full-length ones may not be worth it. Think about the extra time needed, the cost, as well as the implications of permanently altering your home’s exterior.


2. Are you using the shutters for doors or windows?


Most of the time, homes without full-length windows can still use full-length window shutters, but on doors. Sliding patio doors are perfect for this. However, if you are using shutters for doors, the design of the shutters may fundamentally change. More traditional shutters that open out may not work well with doors, depending on the layout of your home. You may have to get sliding shutters, or shutters that are hinged in the middle and have wheels.


3. How much flexibility in light control do you need?


Full-height window shutters usually open and close as one. With this style of shutter, light control can be rather all or nothing. This contrasts café style shutters, where the top half of the window is completely uncovered and thus is constantly letting in light, with the shuttered bottom serving to adjust the brightness of the room in small increments.


The best thing to do is consult with your shutter manufacturer. At the Original California Shutters, we make custom window shutters to order, walking our customers through every step of the process. We will be able to give expert advice about window shutters, considering our decades of experience making and installing window shutters for homes all around the GTA.